Friday, April 9, 2010

Garden State: The Magic of the Movie and the Music ~*

"That's life. If nothing else, It's life.  
It's real, and sometimes it f*ckin' hurts, but it's sort of all we have"

There are certain movies that touch my soul to the core. (Haha.. sounds so hard core, right?!?)
Ok.. maybe it's not that intense... but I just really really love them and they become a part of my life.
I'll go into my thoughts about movies that change my life (in ways however huge or insignificant) another time...

Today, I want to introduce you to one of my favorite movies..... GARDEN STATE!
Not only does it take place in my home state, but it is a fantastic movie that has great dialogue, beautiful cinematography/scenes, a great soundtrack, and themes that I really relate to or that make me think.

The movie is partly autobiographical, depicting Braff's own emotions while he was writing the screenplay.
"When I wrote Garden State, I was completely depressed, waiting tables and lonesome as I've ever been in my life. The script was a way for me to articulate what I was feeling; alone, isolated, 'a dime a dozen' and homesick for a place that didn't even exist."

I think this is a great Quarter-Life Crisis movie... I like the simpleness of the movie, and the fact that if you look a little deeper, there's a whole lot more to it (Kind of like the Infinite Abyss!!!)    =)

For me, this movie is all about the little 10 second scenes that I fall in love with.
There are certain scenes in this movie that I can watch over and over and over
(but I can only do this when I'm by myself because my friend's stop humoring me by the 3rd time.... ).
1. The Airplane Scene
2. Children walking across the street holding hands
3. Zac Braff literally blending into the background
4. Natalie Portman swimming across the pool to Zac Braff
5. The Escalator Scene
6. Screaming into the abyss in the rain~*

  "You changed my life. You changed my life, and I've known you four days. 
This is the beginning of something really big...." 

I love the relationship between Andrew and Sam.  I've been lucky to experience a few times where I met someone and there was an instant connection and chemistry (And I'm not talking about Physical/Sexual Attraction).  I know there are tons of movies about strangers that meet, connect, and their lives are changed... but I feel that Garden State is very organic.  It doesn't seem fake or cliche'd.
I truly believe that sometimes God puts people are put in your life for a certain purpose... and when that happens... it's a beautiful thing.
When even if you only spent a short period of time together, you just have this connection that goes way beyond time.  When you've just met, but you feel like you've known this person your whole life. When the other person just gets you.                       
(Hi 85, HW, KK~ if ur reading this, you guys get a star in my book!)

Garden State has one of the best movie soundtracks around. I especially love it because before this movie... there weren't as many soundtracks with this indie rock type of music.  Zac Braff has brilliant taste in music... and the music is such a huge part of this movie. 

1. Coldplay - Don't Panic   *One of my favorite Coldplay songs.
2. The Shins - Caring Is Creepy
3. Zero 7 - In The Waiting Line   *A great Chill Out song
4. The Shins - New Slang     *The song may not change your life.. but it's a pretty great song~*
5. Colin Hay - I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You
6. Cary Brothers - Blue Eyes
7. Remy Zero - Fair 
   *I love the lyrics, but I probably connect more with this song because I fell in love with the scene it plays in... and u have to watch it full screen for the full effect!
8. Nick Drake - One Of These Things First

9. Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde
10. Simon and Garfunkel - The Only Living Boy In New York
    *This is such an amazing song!
11. Iron And Wine - Such Great Heights    *So different from the original, but I like both versions

12. Frou Frou - Let Go
13. Bonnie Somerville - Winding Road

.* .* .*.

"You know that point in your life when you realize that the house you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore…all of the sudden even though you have some place to put your shit, that idea of home is gone…or maybe it's like this rite of passage…you will never have that feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, for your kids, for the family you start. It’s like a cycle or something.
Maybe that’s all family really is: a group of people that miss the same imaginary place."    

"You're definitely in it right now. My mom always says that when she can see that I'm working something out in my head, she's like, 'You're in it right now'. And I'm looking at you, and you're... telling me this story, and... you're definitely in it right now"  

"Let's just talk about Good Stuff... like Glass half-full shit"
"I got a little buzz goin'. And I like you. So there's that. I guess I have that"

"When I'm with you, I feel so safe. Like I'm home" 

"Who are you?"  
"I'm your new friend, Sam"

A: Do you lie a lot?
S: What do you consider a lot?
A: Enough for people to call you a liar.
S: People call me lots of things.
A: Is one of them liar?
S: I could say no, but how would you know I'm not lying?

"Don't tease me about my hobbies. I don't tease you about being an asshole."
"I'm okay with being unimpressive. I sleep better."  -Mark 

"All right. HOLD UP! HOLD UP! Who here just saw some titties?!?! Raise your hand if you just saw some titties! Thank You. So everybody just calm the fuck down!" -Diego

.* .* .*.

The first time I watched this movie... I was intrigued and I kind of liked it... but I didn't love it.  It was only after watching it for the second time in San Fran with Viv that I could truly appreciated it. I've probably watched this movie around 10 times now...
So even if you didn't really like it the first time, give it another try. You may be pleasantly surprised!

I don't want to ruin it by telling you why this movie is so good, but I just really love it.
In the end, the movie makes me want to experience as much as I can in life and to not be afraid to take chances.
I will tell you to keep an eye out for the Pool Scene, The Fireplace Scene, The Infinite Abyss, and The Airport Scene.  These are the parts that made me fall in love with this movie.
If you've seen the movie, I hope you watch it again.  If you haven't, I hope I've convinced u to go watch it.
If not... I leave you with these parting words.

"You and I are gonna be okay. You know that, right? 
We may not be as happy as you always dreamed we would be, 
But for the first time let's just allow ourselves to be whatever it is we are, and that will be better....Okay?
I think that will be better."

Good Luck Exploring the Infinite Abyss 

*~ Peace Out ~*
live. laugh. love.

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